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Learning by experience is an effective approach to talent and executive education, and learning from the experience of peer organizations is equally valuable. A key value proposition of the Ivey Consortium Programs is to create a synergetic learning experience among leading, non-competing organizations and for their executives to improve business decision-making and share best practices. Coupled with Ivey Executive Education’s renowned case teaching methodology, participants of the Ivey Consortium Programs sharpen their strategic vision, hone their commercial skills, heighten their business cultural sensitivity, and elevate their professional networks in corporate Asia.

Similar to custom programs, Ivey Executive Education works closely with partnering organizations to shape program design and subject content composition, delivery timing and format, and manage development costs and executives’ time commitment in an effective manner. With 25-35 executives from five to eight non-competing organizations typically joining the Ivey Consortium Programs, each executive benefits from an engaging learning environment and highly interactive experiential exchanges.

Key Program Objectives and Benefits:

  • Strengthen leadership capabilities
  • Elevate strategic thinking to a new level
  • Attain cross-enterprise management perspectives
  • Gain insight into global and Asian business best practices
  • Understand how to lead and manage change
  • Benefit from diverse networking opportunities with high-achieving executives

The Ivey Consortium Executive (ICE) Program and Accelerating Management Talent (AMT) Program are two well-established and popular examples of Ivey’s Consortium Programs conducted at our Hong Kong campus.

Ivey Consortium Executive (ICE) Program

Ivey Consortium Executive (ICE) Program

The ICE program increases the organizational leadership and strategic management skills of senior executives. Taking a general management perspective, the program enhances participants' ability to formulate winning strategies and align organizational structure and strategy.


Accelerating Management Talent (AMT) Program

Accelerating Management Talent (AMT) Program

The AMT program increases the business unit leadership and strategic thinking skills of high-potential mid-level managers. Participants will gain a cross-functional perspective and learn the keys to effective execution of corporate or business strategy.

China Consortium Program

China Consortium Program (CCP)

The Ivey China Consortium Program is designed for multinational and Hong Kong-based companies with significant footprints and talent development and retention needs in China, as well as Chinese enterprises positioned to expand beyond China's domestic market.

Discounts for early bird enrollment and 3 or more registrations from the same company are available. 

To learn more about Ivey’s Consortium Programs, please call us at (852) 2135 2241 or email for a conversation with Ivey’s Executive Education team.

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